
Late-Summer Wildflowers in Santa Cruz

Discover what's still blooming in the heat of summer.

By Hilltromper staff

Aug. 20, 2024—As summer passes its peak, the Santa Cruz Mountains region reveals a hidden treasure trove of wildflowers. While spring's vibrant displays are behind us, there's a unique beauty in finding the resilient blooms that thrive amidst golden grasses. From the bright red California fuchsia to the showy seaside daisy, late summer offers a chance to explore these stunning thrivers of the dry season.

Exploring these wildflowers isn't just about their beauty—it's also about understanding their role in our ecosystem. These late bloomers provide essential food sources for pollinators and migrating birds when other flowers have wilted away. Their presence underscores the delicate balance of nature, even in the hottest months.

Get to know seven summer wildflowers in our Hilltromper Silicon Valley article and discover where to witness these flowers in all their glory in Santa Cruz and beyond in our new BloomTracker update.
