
Tribute Tables Celebrate Milestones and Love of State Parks

Mark a significant moment such as a birthday or first date, or memorialize a loved one’s passing, by dedicating a picnic table at your favorite park or beach.

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To learn more about Tribute Tables, please visit the Tribute Tables page on or email

Apr. 23, 2024 (Updated: Dec. 17, 2024)—Alex Conway of Ben Lomond wanted to surprise her partner Gilbert with a gift that he wasn't expecting for his birthday — something that celebrated the couple, their time together and the spirit of their relationship.

The couple often walk their dogs together at Manresa Uplands State Beach in Aptos, passing by the tables that overlook the sand and waves. When she learned about the Tribute Table program, which allows people to create custom messages on tables that are placed in state parks and state beaches, Conway immediately knew a Tribute Table would be the perfect gift.

"Since we come to this beach a lot, I thought this could be kind of a fun surprise for Gilbert," she said. "He's a terrific person and he's a great gift giver. He's very thoughtful, and I just thought, 'Oh he will not be expecting this' so I was trying to one-up him."

The Tribute Tables program is a collaboration between Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks and California State Parks. It enables park supporters to honor a loved one, celebrate a milestone or demonstrate community support by having a message engraved into the cross-timber of the table.

Just in time for the holiday season in December 2024, the Good News Santa Cruz podcast "Gifts with Meaning" episode featured Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks executive director Bonny Hawley, and Philanthropy and Sales Director Kat Bailey, discussing their unique Tribute Table program. The episode also features Hilltromper's Mike Kahn, sharing his family's experience with securing a Tribute Table (Mike's segment starts at 14:50). Listen via YouTube below or wherever you get your podcasts.

Picnic tables are a staple item at most state parks and beaches, and they get a lot of use. The Tribute Tables program provides a way to replace aging tables while offering park supporters an opportunity to leave their personal touch on a favorite location.

Since the program began five years ago, new picnic tables have been installed at 19 state parks and beaches in Santa Cruz and coastal San Mateo counties. Tribute Tables are currently available to dedicate in day-use areas and campgrounds at 18 state parks and beaches.

Share a Lasting Memory

Tribute Tables can mark significant moments such as birthdays, graduations, anniversaries and other life events. The tables also are a heartfelt way to memorialize someone who has died.

It’s a sentiment that Bonny Hawley, executive director of Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks, proudly shares with anyone who asks about the Tribute Table Program.

“These tables are a meaningful way to show appreciation for a loved one or special stage in your life. The gift of a Tribute Table also gives park visitors a place to pause and reflect, or to take a break to celebrate,” she said. “All this while supporting our beloved state parks and beaches.”

Donna Blitzer dedicated a Tribute Table at Natural Bridges State Beach to her parents, Ev and Marge McTaggart, in 2020.

“The family always loved to go camping and we just had so many wonderful memories of being around a picnic table and family life … so when it came time to do a tribute to my parents, we all felt like this was the most appropriate thing,” Blitzer said. “We come often to visit, and we also love it when we see visitors here enjoying the table.”

The minimum donation for a Tribute Table is $2,500, with proceeds from the program supporting local state parks and beaches.

Learn more about Tribute Tables. You can also email or call (831) 429-1840.
