Eco News


Video: John Griffith and Dave Boehne at Steamer Lane.

The 13th Healthiest County in Cali

Some ladies and a dog working on their fitness at New Brighton SB. Hilltromper photo.

March 21, 2013—We liked it better when we were 10th. Still: congratulations, us!

Obama: $2B for Clean Auto Research

a car at a solar-driven charging station. Photo courtesy of Nissan.

March 15, 2013—Profits from federal oil and gas leases will fund the Energy Security Trust.

Skyline to Sea Reservation Line Opens

View of hills and a trail on Skyline to the Sea Trail. Hilltromper photo.

March 8, 2013—As of this morning, Big Basin State Park is taking trail camp reservations for the 2013 backcountry season. So if hiking the 35-mile Skyline to the Sea Trail is on your summer wish list, now's the time to start planning.

A Santa Cruz Power Authority?

Solar panels in Santa Cruz. Hilltromper photo.

March 6, 2013—A new sustainable energy model is gathering steam in these parts. Santa Cruz County yesterday inched closer to an important study of Community Choice Aggregation.

Solar Lighthouse

The Lighthouse soaks in it's last rays of the day. Photo by Jun on Flickr.

March 3, 2013—Sandbar Solar and Electric, a local company that's been installing commercial and residential systems here and throughout the state since 2004, uses an image of Lighthouse Point on its website and in its other materials.

Cabrillo Offers Solar Power Degree

The Solari Tech Center at Cabrillo. Photo by Morin Corporation.

March 5, 2013—Cabrillo College this week announced a new energy management program focused on solar energy and other renewables.

New Half Dome Lottery Opens

Hikers on the Half Dome cables at Yosemite. Photo by Daniel Schwen on Creative Commons.

March 3, 2013—So you're planning on hiking Half Dome this summer. Awesome! But you'd better kiss up to Lady Luck, because a new lottery system for climbing the Yosemite landmark is coming to town, and it's only open for the month of March.

Sequester Dings National Parks

View of Yosemite Valley with Half Dome and El Capitan. Photo from Creative Commons.

Feb. 27, 2013—The nation’s 398 national parks generate $30 billion in economic activity annually. So why would anyone want to feed those cash cows less hay?

Batteries R Us

Tesla S electric car parked in Santa Cruz. Hilltromper photo.

Feb. 26, 2013—A Bay Area partnership is launching a 'Battery University' to make extra sure you never have to push your Tesla S home.
