Parks n Rec

When you pay for parking funds stay local - Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks.
Visit the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History! - Events, Exhibits, Walks, Talks.
Land Trust of Santa Cruz County - We're YOUR Land Trust!
Park posters make great gifts! - San Mateo County Parks Foundation.
Tribute Tables: The perfect gift does exist! - Friends of Santa Cruz State Parks.
Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History - Events!
Get your forest schwag. May the Forest Be With You, Always! t-shirt from Mikey's Merch.
Santa Cruz County Friends of the Rail and Trail - Build the Trail. Use the Rail.
  • Eric's epically weathered bike. L. Clark Tate photo.

    Gear Philosophy

    Our super-official, semi-philosophical gear review policy.

  • O’Neill Psycho 3

    TechnoButter 2 sounds like something you might get covered in at a rave. It’s not.